Thursday, January 22, 2009

Post 1 - Mammogram Scheduled.

I'm pretty sure you girls knew what I was referring to when I mentioned "extensive testing & surgery". Let me back up.

I'm now 41 1/2 & prior to Wednesday, I had never had a mammogram. I'm only a year or two behind, so it was no biggie. My gynecologist didn't even get on to me that much about it - she simply stated that I should really consider going & get at least the basic 'baseline' mammogram procedure. I have heard horrible things about mammograms (mostly sarcastic, I think), but let me state that the reason I did not go prior to now is not out of fear that the mammogram might hurt. I have 4 children & I am busy. And then Mercedes arrived with her own issues, which most definitely outweighed my needs. Really, that's about the only reason. I have a very high pain tolerance so painful procedures don't really spook me that much.

At any rate, in early December '08, I scheduled my first mammogram. I was surprised to discover that the clinic(s) was booked until April '09! I called around different locations & found one that had an available date of yesterday. I chose that one since I was a tad past-due & wanted to get in. I also had a mid-December appointment w/ my gynecologist for my annual check up.

A week or two before my gyno appointment, I discovered a small, firm, pea-like knot. To me, it was a knot. I have been told that "firm & frozen pea resemblence" is exactly what one is hunting for when doing an exam. I freaked a tad, but not much. I knew my gyno appointment was soon & I'd have her check it then. I was relieved I had already scheduled my mammogram.

At my gyno appointment, the NP who I saw that day (my regular dr. was running seriously behind schedule) checked it out. Both of us had an extremely difficult time locating the knot. Honestly, I'm not sure either one of us actually found it, but I knew where it was so she knew the proximity. She decided to change my mammogram to a "digital mammogram" & also a "sonogram, if necessary". Just to be safe. She knew my mammogram was scheduled for Jan. 21 & she informed me that there was no reason to call & bump it up. She said it definitely could wait until after Christmas - just to call in advance & let the clinic know I needed to 'upgrade' my mammogram. No problem. Actually it was a problem involving my dr. having to fax the digital mammogram request & the girl at the clinic. It never did get handled properly (at the clinic) but fortunately, they changed my testing at the time I showed for my appointment.

Post 2 - Mammogram.

Let me encourage you girls to get your mammogram if you haven't already. I promise you, there is nothing to it. Pain? No. Not even a hint of pain. How fast is the initial mammogram? 5-10 minutes. Two scans of each. Done. It's simple & painless. :)


Laura said...

Praying for you and your family!!

Mom2HeathandKynzer said...

Praying for good results.

Destiny said...

Yes...lets pray for good results! I sure will do those mammo' aunt is a breast cancer champ...even though am only 25, you never know!