Thursday, August 20, 2009

Post 8 - 6 Month Follow-up.

Digital Mammograms.

At the time of this visit, I expressed my concerns about the dr. not taking the time to discuss with me the results of the BSGI. I was agitated the results came via a nurse.

They took me back to speak with him. "I didn't give you the results myself?" he asked. Nope. "That's unusual" he said. And inconsiderate, if you ask me.

I explained that *this* was their job, but to us patients, we are on pins & needles waiting & worrying with a cancer scare. They agreed but really didn't care. Basically, he rushed me out saying the BSGI showed no cancer. So compassionate. Sheesh.

That 5 minutes I spent with him? They charged me for! That was a long battle working out what insurance would cover & the extra that I would cover. What a nightmare! Ultimately, they wrote some off & I paid the rest. Very irritating.

I return in 6 months for a follow-up.

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