Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Post 4 - Surgeon Appointment.

Here's what I know & don't know:

Somewhat unusual/uncommon situation I have. Par for me! LOL

Surgeon CANNOT go in & remove mass because it is only showing on one view. (I assume the mass must show up on more scans before surgery is allowed.)

Surgeon concerned about word "stellate" in Radiologist's report. Stellate means star-shaped & cancer can begin/typically begins in stellate form.

I took my x-rays over to Breast Imaging Center because they focus solely on breast cancer/issues. I dropped them off for another evaluation.

Biopsy will be performed IF Imaging Center can get to the mass. Without going into much detail, basically they will enter a needle & can follow it to the mass. They then will 'remove' part of it & send it off.

Surgeon could find no lumps/knots/bumps when he performed exam (boy, that was fun & I HATE male doctors!!!! Especially this guy. Yuck.). The knot I found is/was obviously nothing. I must be really good at my self-exams. Heehee.

Surgeon states that if mass is 'anything' - it was completely caught early & is CONTAINED. (I didn't really ask but I assume that is great news, right? Or am I wrong???)

If Imagining Center cannot perform biopsy, then I will be watched very closely & have numerous mammograms every few months. The mass will either change, change in appearance, get bigger, show on more scans, etc. If after two years there is no change, then most likely the 'mass' is nothing & the 'mass' is normal for my body. I then will be "released" with no further concern.

Surgeon does not suggest a MRI (which because of my situation we could request) because he has found that usually there are more questions after an MRI than before. I totally agree & don't care to waste any time just to end up with a biopsy anyway. Let's just get it done!

So...more than likely I will have a biopsy. I sit & wait, again, until I hear back from someone. I have no clue if it will be the surgeon or the Imaging Center themselves that contact me. I do believe if I need a biopsy it will occur next week. No real emergency in my case (another blessing!!).

I still am so not concerned. At this point.

Thank you for praying for me! Please don't stop just yet! :)


Bridget said...

I'm glad that you are home and in good spirits!! I thought of you this morning and wondered how you were doing. It seems like all of your information is encouraging, which is great news!! Will keep praying!! Take care!!

meganliza said...

Alrighty then! Keep us posted. We'll keep praying!

Unknown said...

Def will keep praying!! I think all is encouraging...you are doing great!! Proud of you;-)

Destiny said...

I won't stop!!!

Anonymous said...

Goodness, girl! I had no idea that you were going through all this stuff. I will pray for you too! But it sounds pretty encouraging to me. Virtual (((HUGS))) to you since I can't give you one in person!

Mom2HeathandKynzer said...

I think that is pretty good news so far. Still praying though!!

Mommy Brain said...

Great news! Hope it continues!