Thursday, January 29, 2009

Post 5 - More testing.

Sorry it has taken me so long to post. Hubby is out of town again, I've been making some phone calls & of course, holding down the fort here.

Today I heard from the Woman's Health place. I really need a recorder when talking to all these people! Anyway, I was blessed with having a wonderful, friendly employee phone me so I was happy about that.

Wednesday (the 4th, I think) I will return to the above mentioned place to have some more testing done. Because they specialize in breast issues/diagnosis, their 'equipment' is a tad more sophisticated & the dr. there *thinks* he may be able to locate this mass on a sonogram using their machine (remember, I had a sonogram performed, but nothing was detected during that scan). If not, he will probably request more mammograms. He has my scans now & has been reviewing them. If he can get no further with his own testing using his own machines, at that time I do believe they will schedule a biopsy.

The favors are still on my side. I broke down & phoned my 'mother' tonight, even though prior I refused to do it (but now felt I really needed to because I need to give the professionals some answers), & the good news is (if she is being honest) there is no history of breast cancer on her side. She went way back & doesn't know of any. Of course that's no guarantee, but to her knowledge - nothing. I then phoned my step-mother & asked her about my dad's mom. She remembered that later in life my grandmother did have a lump, but it turned out fine. She's not even positive that a biopsy was performed or even necessary. My dad has/had no sisters so obviously there can't be anything there.

The lady today was very optimistic & again, thinks this is probably nothing. However, we must move forward because we don't want to jack around. And I'm to the point, let's just find out, do what we must do, & move on! If it does turn out malignant, then the surgeon I saw on Tuesday will schedule me for surgery to have it removed. Briefly she mentioned Radiation & Chemo but at this point, we're jumping ahead which is unnecessary. She did say - & I hope I remember this correctly - the mass is about 3 mm, which is tiny. Another good sign. And again, a good sign that this mass (or whatever it is - hopefully just tissue) isn't showing on any other scans.

So...I wait some more. I'm getting tired of waiting. :) At this point I still am not very nervous or concerned - I probably will be once the biopsy is scheduled - but I must admit, I'm tired of messing with the whole thing. Talking to many people & of course, just thinking about it. And because I'm human it is on my mind.

So there you have it until next week. Keep praying, please! Thank you for praying & thank you for all your kind words & support!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Prayers are with you. May God bless you all, those babies need you.

Hugs, Kathleen