Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Post 6 - Ultrasound & Mammogram(s) Round 2.

I arrived (late - thanks to traffic) at my scheduled appointment at the facility. This was interesting, to say the least. I will say everyone is so nice! I could work there. Seriously. :)

Lots of ladies. I found out men ain't allowed. They're allowed in the waiting area (there were only 2), but are not allowed in the back. Some lady & her husband got totally tee'd & she refused service because her husband could not go to the back with her. They left. Lots of ladies back in the medical part & they have to respect their privacy' therefore, no men. Get a grip.

They took me back, into a tiny dressing room I shared w/ a roomie. We had our own lockers to put our stuff in. Then they gave me my instructions & handed me a key to my room. LOL Cracked me up.

I put my gown on, unable to locate 'arms' in this particular gown. It was more like an Amish shawl. Heehee. Horrible. I really need to quit talking to myself because as I began walking to another waiting room (in my gorgeous, beige shawl), I made the comment to myself "this has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever seen". As I turned the corner, there were 8 ladies sitting in the exact shawl I had on. LOL They all started snickering at me. I had no idea they were there. We looked like a bunch of frickin' idiots. ☺

Finally they called my name & back we went for the sonogram (they knew they were going to do do the sonogram first). Performed by a MALE doctor. If you don't know me well (& I know I commented about this in one of the previous posts) - I can't stand men. I will go to no man 'anything'. No male family physician, dentist, gyno - nothing. With the exception of my eye dr., because I love him. I don't know why this is the case, but I assume it has something to do with my childhood. Men totally intimidate me & I dread seeing a male doctor more than the actual medical visit itself. Strange. Fortunately this dr. seemed to be about my age & I calmed down somewhat. He was super nice & professional. I'm wondering now if it's just older men I have an issue with...? Years ago I had two male bosses & they totally creeped me out. That said though, both of them were perverts, making sexist, nasty, disgusting comments all the time. That certainly didn't help my stance on men.

Anyway, the dr. came in & performed the sonogram. He found n-o-t-h-i-n-g. Just like the last one. He made the comment that he thought when the first mammogram was performed, they were "looking in the wrong place". Then he said that out of anyone, he is the one "who can find anything bad on a sonogram". So yes, it was a good sign he found nothing, but he also told me we were not "out of the woods" yet.

Back to sit with my waiting room buddies until he decided the next step. Which was, of course, more mammograms. So in I went. This was an AA lady & we had the best time. :) She actually asked me if I was in the medical field. LOL I told her no, that I'm just nosey. ;o)

Back out to the waiting room I went. I had an older woman lean over towards me & whisper "if there isn't anything wrong with me now, there will be by the time they're done!" LOL Guess she didn't like the squishing. :)

Then the nurse came & got me again. More scans. Ugh! Giggled our way thru those. Back out to the waiting room. Finally they came out & took me back w/ the dr.

Basically - he doesn't know. Isn't that the story of my life? LOL The results are exactly the same as when my initial mammogram was done. The 'mass' is still there, & still showing only in one view. No change. He had all of my x-rays up (on the white screen - just like on tv) & we went over all of them. The ones he took plus my initial scans. There just isn't enough 'evidence' to warrant a biopsy. So at this time it looks as if I will not have a biopsy performed.

He did point out that in his scans, other than the one view where the mass is visible, there is nothing visible on the others. Now remember, his equipment is a tad more sophisticated and he requested his own angles/views. So his scans were a tad different than the original ones, but, ultimately had the same results. Which makes him believe this is nothing more than tissue. The mass looks 'normal', which means the mammogram possibly flattened it out (which I assume isn't possible, perhaps, if it's a true mass?) - if he is looking in the right spot. I guess since it's not a definite thing & doesn't show up on all scans (which is good news!) then they kind of have to guess at the location if it seems to have disappeared. Very confusing stuff.

IF I have this right, I think he said that he believes this spot/mass is "99.8% negative". I think that is the correct number, but, remember I'm trying to remember all the information they throw at me. I do know for a fact the % was very high.

There is now a new diagnostic test/procedure that can be performed that will give us our answer. It is new to their center & they will begin performing these tests in 2 weeks. And believe it or not,"I'm a prime candidate!" Well, yeehaw! LOL I told him I don't necessarily care to be his guinea pig. :) To which he replied that I won't be, I'll be a patient. Good news is since I have an abnormal mammogram, insurance will cover the procedure. He did state that if this particular test is negative then he'll know "99.9%" all is ok. :)

I had this same test performed on my kidneys years ago, & now they are able to perform this type of screening for breast cancer. Basically, I think, they will shoot dye into my veins & then perform another scan. From what I understand, if this mass is normal tissue, nothing will show up in the results. If it is not tissue, & something more serious, then a black spot appears. This test is called a Breast Specific Gamma Imagine (BSGI). Oh how fun! ☺

I need another mammogram in 6 months, followed by another one 6 months later. I believe at that time if all is well, I will be "released" & can return to my annual mammograms. I'm sure my boobs were glad to hear that. ;o) Not to mention my insurance company. :)

So yes I wait. AGAIN. I am so tired of this! The reports are fantastic & of course, that is happy, happy news. But still, I'm the type of person who doesn't like waiting. Tell me yes or tell me no. And even though I still will not worry, this issue is still going to weigh on my mind because I have yet to get a solid & firm answer/diagnosis.

I return Feb. 19th for the BSGI.

And again, thank you so much for your thoughts & prayers & for traveling this journey with me. Sorry to bore you to tears with all the details, but I want them for my own reference some day when I look back. :)


Bridget said...

Oh, I am so glad that things are looking good, and I can definitely understand wanting to know for sure, though!! At least you can focus on the fact that none of the news has been bad yet!!

I saw you online on F/B and started to pop in and "chat" but didn't know if you would think that was creepy or not. I finally upgraded to Internet Explorer 8 which allows me to do that and I popped in on my sister this past weekend...I know, I'm so behind, people have probably been "chatting" on F/B forever!!

Unknown said...

Melissa that is great news! I know it would be much better with a concrete definite answer but it does sound as though the doctors there and staff are very thorough (not sure how that is spelled?)
I have a good friend here who is going thru the same and her mass is 5mm in size. They are doing a biopsy next week. She is terrified. I try to encourage her to not be so fearful this prematurely and to keep her faith and try and remain positive but as we all know that is not always easy.
Will continue to pray for you and believing your healthy!!!